Saturday, May 31, 2008

Italian Meatball Sandwich

2 pound lean ground beef and 1 pound of mild italian sausage (out of its casing and ground)
1 medium onion, chopped
4 eggs
1 cup seasoned bread crumbs (Italian variety works well)
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
2 tablespoons minced garlic
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 cup milk
Mix meats in a large mixing bowl thoroughly. Mix in eggs,milk, bread crumbs, cheese,garlic, salt and pepper. Saute onion in oil in skillet over medium heat. When onions go glassy, add them to your meat mixture. Form into balls - size of your inside palm.. (Wet your hands just a bit for easier rolling). Or Use a large cookie scoop. I then broil the meatballs intil done approx 13 minutes.

Split your ciabatta or mini-baguettes. You may want to spread them lightly with olive oil and grill the inside surfaces very quickly on extremely high heat - to give them color and help them stand up to the meatballs and sauce. Spoon meatballs down center of bottom half bread; spread your favorite marinara over the meatballs; grated mozzerlla cheese add cover with top bread half and serve You may want to halve these hearty sandwiches for the messy eater in us all! Makes 10 to 12 portions

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