Sunday, August 24, 2008

Happy Birthday Mom !!!!!

We are all a little Quackers after the weekend!!!

Haven, I think Grandma will see you..........

Do we know where we are going?

Doree follow that car!!!!!!!!!!!

Okay...Just to clarify "These are NOT Green River Melons"!!

Look at the Girls ...........Don't they look so happy!!!!!!!!

Playing tourists in the Provo Mall check out Tonya's camera.

I think this is something about the greatest video ever??

We are so proud!!!! Stacy got her first real bra!!!!

Yes it's true ................This is the brunch of Champions.

The root of all deceit.(At least it got mom to the mall)

Look it's the 4 older girls....Dee, Stacy, Tonya and the Blonde(Doree)

Did you know Kerry opened up a shop in the South Towne Mall?

Tonya is holding out on us!!!!!!!!!!!

Grandma's advice for the day!!! Never honk at her car or you will get the

sign ....... not the finger the SIGN.

SISTERS GONE WILD!!!!!!!!!!! I'm pretty sure Sage wet her pants.

Haven was having an out of body experience............

Then she found some great bargains shopping today , I bought a straightner,she got a free style.....She talked us into buying things so she could get half off........Target's slogan is her Mantra. EXPECT MORE............PAY LESS!!!!!!! You buy one Haven gets 50% off

Oh look (Larry,Moe and Curly) Is it me or does Stacy look"uplifted"?

Stop it...Don't Look at me, you ------- little brats!!!!

It's a miracle!!!! No more itch........... I can't believe I waited so long.

Tonya was soooo excited about her new watch ,just look at her face!!


  1. you did a great job with the slogans and pictures.....I had a blast and thanks for the Stacy

  2. Great Job!! Thanks for making the trip. No one will ever really know how nuts we are. It was a fun day.
    Love, Tonya

  3. i really related to guys?? NICE MELONS!! love you guys! looks like you had lots of fun. Wish i could have been there!
    love randa
